| Position | E-mail address | Communities | MCPs | Projects |
| Professor | aatto.laaksonen@mmk.su.se | Molecular Simulation | | |
| PhD, Application Expert - Computational Fluid Dynamics | adam@mech.kth.se | FLOW | SESSI (SeRC Efficient Simulation Software Initiative) | |
| | alexander.bock@liu.se | Visualization | Methods for Efficient Visual Data Analytics in e-Science Applications | |
| Researcher | aleeds@kth.se | Electronic Structure | Method Development for Materials Design (MD2) | |
| PhD | Alexandra.Jauhiainen@ki.se | Life science | Methods for Precision Health (eMPHasis), Brain-IT | Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis in brain modelling |
| | aho@sics.se | Life science | | |
| Professor | ala@csc.kth.se | Computer Science, Life science | Brain-IT | Brain network architecture and dynamics of short- and long-term memory |
| Professor in Mathematics | szepessy@nada.kth.se | Applied Math | | |
| Professor | andyn@itn.liu.se | Visualization | Methods for Efficient Visual Data Analytics in e-Science Applications | e-Spect: In silica spectroscopy of complex molecular systems, Open Space: A tool for space research and communication |
| Postdoc | andrei.kramer@scilifelab.se | Life science | Brain-IT | |
| Professor | annadel@kth.se | Electronic Structure | Method Development for Materials Design (MD2) | |
| Professor | annak@nada.kth.se | FLOW, Applied Math | | |
| Associate Professor | annica@misu.su.se | Climate Modeling | Data Science, Modelling for Geophysics and Climate (M3) | DeepClimate |
| | apovas@kth.se | Computer Science | | |
| Professor | arne@sbc.su.se | Life science | Data Science | DeepProtein |
| Professor | viktor@mech.kth.se | FLOW | | |
| Associate Professor | podobas@kth.se | Computer Science | Brain-IT | |
| Assistant Professor | arvkumar@kth.se | Life science | Brain-IT | |
| | atsuto@kth.se | | Brain-IT | |
| Professor | bpn@ifm.liu.se | NSC, Life science | | |
| Associate Professor, Molecular Simulation Community Coordinator | hess@kth.se | Molecular Simulation | SESSI (SeRC Efficient Simulation Software Initiative) | |
| Associate Professor in Bioinformatics | bjornw@ifm.liu.se | Life science | Data Science | DeepProtein |
| PhD, Application Expert - Computational Science | cbasu@nsc.liu.se | Climate Modeling, NSC, Computer Science | | |
| Professor in Computer Science | christoph.kessler@liu.se | Computer Science | | |
| PhD, Sectra | claes.lundstrom@liu.se | Visualization | Data Science | AI-centered visual analytics of histology |
| Professor, SeRC Director | henning@mech.kth.se | FLOW | SESSI (SeRC Efficient Simulation Software Initiative), Modelling for Geophysics and Climate (M3) | |
| Associate Professor | eliasj@kth.se | Applied Math | Data Science | NumericalAlgebra |
| Professor | els.goetghebeur@ugent.be | Life science | Methods for Precision Health (eMPHasis) | |
| PhD | emma.ivansson@ki.se | Life science | | |
| | erikf@kth.se | | Brain-IT | |
| Professor | lindahl@cbr.su.se | Molecular Simulation | SESSI (SeRC Efficient Simulation Software Initiative) | |
| Professor | erik.sonnhammer@sbc.su.se | Life science | | |
| | erin.gabriel@ki.se | Life science | Methods for Precision Health (eMPHasis) | |
| Professor in Computer Science | erwinl@pdc.kth.se | Computer Science, PDC, Life science | | |
| Associate Professor | ferenc.tasnadi@liu.se | Electronic Structure | Method Development for Materials Design (MD2) | |
| Assistant Professor | florian.trybel@liu.se | Electronic Structure | Method Development for Materials Design (MD2) | |
| | frida.bender@misu.su.se | Climate Modeling | Data Science, Modelling for Geophysics and Climate (M3) | |
| Assistant Professor | gabriel.eilertsen@liu.se | Computer Science, Visualization | Data Science | |
| PhD | geert@mech.kth.se | FLOW | | |
| Professor | gunilla@misu.su.se | Climate Modeling | Data Science, Modelling for Geophysics and Climate (M3) | DeepClimate |
| PhD, Application Expert | struthers@nsc.liu.se | Climate Modeling | | |
| Professor | hedvig@kth.se | Computer Science, Life science | Methods for Precision Health (eMPHasis), Data Science | CausalHealthcare, Variational approximations in the medical sciences, Cancer screening - natural history, prediction and microsimulation |
| PhD, Application Expert | hzazzi@kth.se | Life science | | |
| | hult@kth.se | Computer Science | Data Science | StochasticSimulation |
| | azizpour@kth.se | Computer Science | Data Science | DeepTurbulence |
| Professor | hakan.fischer@psychology.su.se | Life science | Brain-IT | |
| Professor | igor.abrikosov@ifm.liu.se | Electronic Structure | Method Development for Materials Design (MD2) | |
| Associate Professor | inga.koszalka@misu.su.se | Climate Modeling | Data Science | |
| Research Engineer | ingemarm@kth.se | Visualization | | |
| Professor, Visualization Community Coordinator | ingrid.hotz@liu.se | Visualization | Methods for Efficient Visual Data Analytics in e-Science Applications, Method Development for Materials Design (MD2) | Organic materials for the future, Feature based exploration of large-scale turbulent flow simulations, Integrated analysis of cardiac function |
| Assistant Professor | bopeng@kth.se | Computer Science | SESSI (SeRC Efficient Simulation Software Initiative) | |
| Assistant Professor | jan.glaubitz@liu.se | Applied Math | | |
| Professor | jan.nordstrom@liu.se | FLOW | Data Science | |
| Professor | Jan-Eric.Litton@ki.se | Data Management, Computer Science, Life science | | |
| Professor, Brain-IT Community Coordinator | jeanette@csc.kth.se | Life science | Brain-IT | Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis in brain modelling |
| Assistant Professor | jens.carlsson.lab@gmail.com | | | |
| Associate Professor | jdowling@sics.se | Computer Science, Life science | | |
| | jimmyol@kth.se | | | StochasticSimulation |
| | jing.gong@it.uu.se | FLOW | | |
| PhD, Application Expert - Bioinformatics | yohell@ifm.liu.se | Life science | | |
| Professor | johan.lundstrom@ki.se | Life science | Data Science | |
| PhD, Application Expert - Computational Chemistry | raber@nsc.liu.se | Electronic Structure, NSC | | |
| | jonas.olofsson@psychology.su.se | Life science | Brain-IT | Brain network architecture and dynamics of short- and long-term memory |
| | ahlkrona@math.su.se | Climate Modeling | Modelling for Geophysics and Climate (M3) | |
| Professor | juni.palmgren@ki.se | Life science | Methods for Precision Health (eMPHasis) | |
| Associate Professor | keith.humphreys@ki.se | Life science | Methods for Precision Health (eMPHasis) | Variational approximations in the medical sciences, Cancer screening - natural history, prediction and microsimulation, Medical image analysis and deep learning, with applications to prostate biopsies and mammograms |
| Associate Professor, Bioinformatics Community Coordinator | arve@math.su.se | Life science | | Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis in brain modelling |
| Associate Professor | lbergqv@kth.se | Electronic Structure | | |
| ENCCS Director | lilit.axner@it.uu.se | | | |
| Professor in Fluid Mechanics | luca@mech.kth.se | FLOW | | |
| | lucie.delemotte@scilifelab.se | Molecular Simulation | | |
| Associate Professor | lukas.kall@scilifelab.se | Life science | | |
| Researcher | magnus.lundborg@scilifelab.se | Molecular Simulation | | |
| Senior Lecturer, Electronic Structure Community Coordinator, Associate Professor | marcus.ekholm@liu.se | Electronic Structure | Method Development for Materials Design (MD2) | |
| | marlar@psychology.su.se | Life science | | Brain network architecture and dynamics of short- and long-term memory |
| | marina.kasimova@scilifelab.se | Molecular Simulation | | |
| Associate Professor | marior@kth.se | Visualization | | |
| Associate Professor, eCPC Flagship Coordinator | mark.clements@ki.se | Life science | Methods for Precision Health (eMPHasis) | Variational approximations in the medical sciences, Cancer screening - natural history, prediction and microsimulation, Medical image analysis and deep learning, with applications to prostate biopsies and mammograms, Trial design for prediction |
| GROMACS development manager | mark.j.abraham@gmail.com | Molecular Simulation | | |
| PhD | martin.eklund@ki.se | Life science | Methods for Precision Health (eMPHasis) | Trial design for prediction |
| Postdoctoral Researcher | martin.falk@liu.se | Visualization | | |
| Professor in Geology and Geophysics | martin.jakobsson@geo.su.se | Climate Modeling | | |
| Associate Professor | mathieu.linares@liu.se | Visualization | Method Development for Materials Design (MD2) | Organic materials for the future, e-Spect: In silica spectroscopy of complex molecular systems |
| | Mattias.Rantalainen@ki.se | Life science | Methods for Precision Health (eMPHasis) | Translational bioinformatics: Statistical learning for patient stratification |
| Associate Professor | mattiass@math.kth.se | Applied Math | | |
| Professor | matts.karlsson@liu.se | FLOW | | |
| PhD, Application Expert - Neuroinformatics | mikael@djurfeldt.com | Life science | | |
| | nalist@kth.se | Electronic Structure | Methods for Efficient Visual Data Analytics in e-Science Applications | |
| | njansson@csc.kth.se | | SESSI (SeRC Efficient Simulation Software Initiative), Modelling for Geophysics and Climate (M3) | |
| PhD | ola.spjuth@ki.se | Computer Science, Life science | | Translational bioinformatics: Statistical learning for patient stratification |
| PhD, SeRC Coordinator and Researcher | olivia@mech.kth.se | Life science | Brain-IT | Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis in brain modelling |
| Associate Professor | olofem@kth.se | Life science | | |
| Associate Professor | outi@mech.kth.se | FLOW | Modelling for Geophysics and Climate (M3) | |
| Professor | patrick.lambrix@liu.se | Computer Science | Method Development for Materials Design (MD2) | |
| Professor | panor@ifm.liu.se | Electronic Structure | Method Development for Materials Design (MD2) | e-Spect: In silica spectroscopy of complex molecular systems |
| | paherman@kth.se | Life science | Brain-IT | Brain network architecture and dynamics of short- and long-term memory |
| Professor | Peter.Fransson@ki.se | | Brain-IT | Brain network architecture and dynamics of short- and long-term memory |
| Application Expert - Computational Material Science | pla@nsc.liu.se | | | |
| PhD, Application Expert | petst@ifm.liu.se | Electronic Structure, Visualization | Methods for Efficient Visual Data Analytics in e-Science Applications | |
| Associate Professor, FLOW Community Coordinator | pschlatt@mech.kth.se | FLOW | SESSI (SeRC Efficient Simulation Software Initiative), Modelling for Geophysics and Climate (M3) | Feature based exploration of large-scale turbulent flow simulations |
| Associate Professor | pierren@kth.se | Applied Math | Brain-IT | |
| PhD | bast@kth.se | Electronic Structure | | |
| | rebecca.howard@dbb.su.se | Molecular Simulation | | |
| Scientific Programmer | rezze@geo.su.se | Climate Modeling | | |
| Assistant Professor | rvinuesa@mech.kth.se | FLOW | Data Science | DeepTurbulence |
| Associate Professor | rickard.armiento@liu.se | Electronic Structure | Method Development for Materials Design (MD2) | |
| Professor, Climate Community Coordinator | rodrigo@misu.su.se | Climate Modeling | | DeepClimate |
| PhD, Application Expert - Molecular Dynamics | rossen@kth.se | Molecular Simulation, PDC | | |
| Professor in Computer Science | haridi@kth.se | Computer Science | | LearningSystems |
| Assistant Professor | msey@kth.se | FLOW | SESSI (SeRC Efficient Simulation Software Initiative) | |
| Application Expert - Computational Fluid Dynamics | sko@nsc.liu.se | | | |
| Assistant Professor in High Performance Computing | markidis@kth.se | Computer Science | SESSI (SeRC Efficient Simulation Software Initiative) | |
| Research Engineer | pszilard@kth.se | Molecular Simulation | SESSI (SeRC Efficient Simulation Software Initiative) | |
| Assistant Professor | talha.bin.masood@liu.se | Visualization | Methods for Efficient Visual Data Analytics in e-Science Applications, Method Development for Materials Design (MD2) | |
| | kthw@kth.se | Electronic Structure | | |
| Senior Lecturer | thorsten.mauritsen@misu.su.se | Climate Modeling | Modelling for Geophysics and Climate (M3) | |
| Professor | weinkauf@kth.se | Visualization | Data Science, Methods for Efficient Visual Data Analytics in e-Science Applications | Feature based exploration of large-scale turbulent flow simulations, CausalHealthcare |
| PhD, Application Expert - Computational Chemistry | torbenr@nsc.liu.se | Electronic Structure, NSC | | |
| | weizhang@nsc.liu.se | | | |
| PhD, Application Expert - Computational Material Science | weiol@nsc.liu.se | Electronic Structure | | |
| Associate Professor | rinkevic@kth.se | Electronic Structure | Method Development for Materials Design (MD2) | |
| Professor in Computer Science | ekeberg@kth.se | | Brain-IT | |