
Applied Math
Development of numerical algorithms is critical in successful e-Science based research, often matching or outperforming improvements of hardware in terms of speed gains. The work in the numerical analysis group…

Climate Modeling
Climate change is a research area at the forefront of public attention and with challenging problems. The tools used are climate models that describe the coupled land-atmosphere-ocean system, based on physical laws. Climate…

Computer Science
Recent advances in multi-/many-core revolution technology, distributed data storage, and data parallel analysis have resulted in an increasing move towards data-driven investigations in nearly all fields of science. Parallel…

Electronic Structure
The research within the Electronic Structure community aims at understanding and predicting the properties of materials and molecules, by computing the quantum-mechanical state of the many-electron system. The…

The intricate behaviour of flowing fluids in both nature and technical applications has fascinated scientists and laymen alike for centuries. Complex phenomena such as turbulence are ubiquitous in fluid flows, and studying…

Life science
The SeRC life science community includes researchers doing e-Science applied to subjects like, cancer research, bioinformatics, and neuroscience. Several of the researchers are located at Science for Life laboratory in Stockholm.

Molecular Simulation
Semi-empiric simulation methods have been responsible for tremendous advances in chemistry, life science, and materials research. The possibility to accurately model finite temperature, time development, and very large…