Stokes flow for particles and drops

Research related to integral equation based numerical methods mainly for Stokes flow with particles and drops have been investigated in the community. During the last year, publications have addressed e.g. highly regular function extension and an extension of a spectrally accurate FFT based method for acceleration of dense matrix vector products, as well as quadrature rules for nearly singular integrals needed in the evaluation of layer potentials. Towards the application side, one major publication from 2018 is concerned with the simulation of closely interacting surfactant-laden 3D drops, and towards the end of the year, the method was extended also to include electro- hydrodynamics. Even without surfactants, simulations of 3D interacting drops in electric fields appear to be virtually non-existent.
- F. Fryklund and E. Lehto and A.-K. Tornberg. Partition of unity extension on complex domains. J. Comput. Phys., 375:57-79, 2018.
- M. Siegel and A.-K. Tornberg. A local target specific quadrature by expansion method for evaluation of layer potentials in 3D. J. Comput. Phys., 364:365-392, 2018.
- L. af Klinteberg and A.-K. Tornberg. Adaptive Quadrature by Expansion for layer potential evaluation in two dimensions. SIAM J. Sci. Comput, 40:A1225-A1249, 2018.