E-Science for cancer prevention and control (ecpc.e-science.se) is a SeRC flagship project that focuses on integrating novel findings from bioinformatics and image analyses with the Swedish nationwide registers and cohort studies in the population. eCPC utilises this ensemble of data for modelling the natural history of cancer and personalised cancer screening.
The ultimate goal is to design trials and to evaluate public policy shifts for cancer screening using micro-simulation, creating better ways to screen cancer. Personalised cancer screening is expected to change clinical practice, improve population health and potentially reduce health care costs.
eCPC integrates scientific expertise in computer science, statistics, and mathematics with expertise in molecular medicine and clinical epidemiology for prostate and breast cancer. For prostate cancer, a full-scale personalised prostate-cancer diagnostic pipeline is being created using a combination of genomics, proteomics, and imaging.
An important landmark is the STHLM3 study, which recently reported on a prospective evaluation of the novel S3M prediction algorithm as a screening tool. Developed in close collaboration with SeRC researchers, S3M is superior to the currently used PSA test and the Stockholm County Council has planned for a clinical roll-out of S3M during 2016.
Together with a large managed care organisation in the US, a large-scale implementation of S3M is being planned, including the validation of S3M across four ethnic groups.