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General information

Welcome to the 16:th Annual Meeting of SeRC, which will take place May 15-16, lunch-to-lunch at Skåvsjöholm ( northeast of Stockholm.

The theme of the meeting this year is AI for Science and we will have invited external speakers as well as internal SeRC presentations. In connection to the meeting there will be a joint Steering and Advisory group meeting.


You will soon find a detailed program here.


Chartered buses will take you from KTH (Lindstedtsvägen 3) to Skåvsjöholm and back. In order to go by bus you need to indicate that at registration.
KTH to Skåvsjöholm: May 15, 11:50
Skåvsjöholm to KTH: May 16, 13:30


Please register by latest April 11 at The conference is free of charge but the number of seats and rooms are limited, and will be availible on a first-register first-served basis.


If you have any practical questions concerning the meeting please contact Sebastian Wikström (, +46 (0)8 790 75 02).