What is SeRC?
The Swedish e-Science Research Centre (SeRC) is an environment within the strategic research area (SRA) of e-Science, funded by the Swedish government Strategic Research Area Initiative and based on a collaboration between four universities: Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (KTH), Stockholms universitet (SU), Karolinska institutet (KI) and Linköpings universitet (LiU). It was founded in 2010 resulting from the Swedish Government Bill on Research Policy. In this bill, a total of 24 different strategic research areas were defined, of which e-Science is one.
The mission statement of SeRC is to develop state-of-the-art e-Science tools and provide an e-infrastructure support to existing and emerging e-Science communities to achieve scientific breakthroughs in Sweden.
Prioritised activities
Multidisciplinary collaboration programmes
SeRC will develop multidisciplinary collaboration programmes in strategic areas with high potential gain, by consolidating the SeRC efforts into larger constellations.
Scientific computing lab
Following international examples, for instance from NCSA at UIUC, SeRC will prototype a scientific computing lab, where researchers from applications, methods, and infrastructure can collaborate, forming the ”human e-Cloud”.
Data-driven science
SeRC will help transfer knowledge on the use of methods and tools from data science to enable new research methodologies in SeRC communities and for other Swedish e-Science researchers.