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The division of media and information technology at Linköping University offers a SeRC course on Visual Storytelling
The course is sponsored by SeRC and designed as a Ph.D. course, with 6 credits however it is open to everybody interested in the topic.


Creating an engaging and effective visualization is only partly a question of mastering the technology.
Another important part is to decide what story to tell and how to tell it. This Ph.D. course provides basic concepts and methods in visual communication with a focus on narrative aspects. In the final part of the course, these concepts and methods are applied in a communication-oriented visualization design team project using the state-of-the-art visualization environments available at Campus Norrköping

The course is organized into three parts.

The first part is a series of sessions (lectures, seminars, workshops, etc) introducing the basic concepts of visual storytelling and communication-oriented visual design.
The second part is a series of studies of the visualization environments available at Campus Norrköping, each involving an analysis of its salient communicative properties from a user-experience point of view.
The third and final part is the team project pulling together the previous parts.


The first and second part will be offered in the second half of August 2021, while the third part – the project – starts in September runs for the remainder of fall 2021, with a final presentation tentatively scheduled for mid-January 2022.

More details can be found on the webpage.