Welcome to the 2019 PDC Pub!
PDC warmly invites you to join us for the 2019 “PDC Pub and Open House”, plus a PDC-SeRC research seminar, which will be held at PDC, on the 4th floor of Teknikringen 14, Stockholm, from 14.00-17.30 on Wednesday the 8th of May. You are welcome to take a tour of the PDC machine room and see our current systems Beskow and Tegner.
The afternoon will begin with a PDC-SeRC seminar on exascale computing at 14.00, followed by a brief welcome and introduction from Erwin Laure, the Director of PDC at 15.00. After that, you will be able to take a tour of the PDC computer hall, lead by our Deputy Director, Gert Svensson. As Gert has been present for the whole of the development of PDC, he can fill you in on lots of interesting historical details as well as answering questions about the current systems. While waiting for your tour, PDC staff will be available for discussions and to answer any questions you might have while you enjoy a drink and snacks.
If you would like to attend the seminar, please register for it (just so we know how much food to order as sandwiches and coffee will be provided). You do not need to register to attend the Pub, but if you have particular time constraints that afternoon and wish to book in for a specific time for your tour of the computer hall, please email support@pdc.kth.se and give details of the times that would suit you.
We look forward to seeing you on the 8th of May! And, if you need information on travelling to PDC, please see: www.pdc.kth.se/about/visit-pdc.