Added Value
The single largest overall successes of SeRC is that it helps application researchers and computational experts to find each other and speak with one voice. Large-scale data analysis and simulation is introduced in areas where it has not been used before, the strongest computational groups in the country collaborate internationally instead of competing nationally. We keep on redefining these boundaries by identifying areas where the combination of computational and application research excellence make a eld ripe for disruptive changes to the science, the multidisciplinary collaboration programs are an example of this.
SeRC also has extensive collaborations with industry and governmental agencies and thereby generates direct impact in society and contributes to societal development and commercial competitiveness. SeRC has several industrial representatives on its advisory board, and we are delighted with their interest and engagement in learning how computing can change what they do, for instance at our annual meetings. One of the primary indirect impact mechanisms for SeRC is knowledge transfer in the form of examined PhDs, who hold unique experiences of e-Science and form a network consisting of the next generation of e-scientists.