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October 25-27, Gothenburg, Sweden

ENCCS, the Wallenberg Centre of Quantum Technologies (WACQT) and the Nordic/Baltic NordIQuEst project are joining forces to deliver a three-day autumn school covering the fundamentals of quantum computing.

The Quantum Autumn School is going to take place in Chalmers University of Technology in GothenburgSweden in hybrid form.

The school will cover:

  • Introduction to key concepts: quantum states, qubits, quantum algorithms
  • Overview of the main QC hardware approaches.
  • Overview of the QC software stack.
  • Integration of QC with classical computing: hybrid classical/quantum algorithms and HPC-QC systems.
  • QC programming in high-level languages for use cases in optimisation, finance, life science and quantum chemistry.

Morning lectures will be combined with afternoon hands-on sessions where participants learn to use high-level QC programming languages using either simulators or real quantum computers.

Learn more and register using the link below!