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The 8th HPCE3 Transnational Access Call for researchers is OPEN with a closing date *14th May 2019 at 23:59*

*NOTE*: Through the first 6 calls, KTH-PDC accomodated 50% of its possible visitors. So hurry up and apply!

If you are a professor or a postdoctoral researcher or a Ph.D. student or a master’s degree student who is doing the final diploma project – apply at

*To remind*, through HPCE3 Transitional Access programme the successful applicants get the possibility:

– to stay in one of the 9 HPCE3 partner countries for 3-13 weeks(in Sweden up to 8 weeks);
– to join and to collaborate with one of the 9 HPCE3 partner country host-labs, which are mostly universities’ research groups specialized in various scientific disciplines;
– to receive a full refund for their travel and accommodation expenses;
– to receive a daily subsistence for food and first need items during their visit;
– to receive access to the most powerful HPC and data facilities at  one of the 9 HPCE3 partner centers;
– to receive support from experts qualified both in HPC and given scientific discipline (this means that HPC-Europa3 is suitable even for researchers with little or no experience in HPC!);
– to participate in training courses given by one of the 9 HPCE3 partner centers;
– to receive a personal day-to-day support from one of the 9 HPCE3 partner centers’ HPC-Europa3 local team, which deals with all your logistical, administrative and financial matters before, during and after your visit.

Future closing dates will be held every 3 months, and the HPC-Europa3 programme continues until April 2021.

For the application form and further details please visit:

If you have questions about the HPC-Europa3 project or the application form, feel free to contact HPCE3 coordinator for KTH-PDC partner in HPCE3 Dr. Lilit Axner