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In collaboration with PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, PDC is offering a two-day workshop focusing on modern tools in HPC. The workshop will consist of the following four main modules.

  1. HPC tips and tricks
    • Basic and more advanced usage of clusters
    • Tips and tricks for using HPC more efficiently
  2. Jupyter Notebooks on the cluster
    • Effective and interactive visualization and post-processing
    • Running parallel analysis pipelines in Python
  3. Singularity containers
    • Everything you need to know about containers: how to build them, share them, and run them on HPC clusters
  4. Improving your code with ARM Forge
    • A tutorial in profiling and debugging HPC applications at scale

This workshop should be relevant for relatively new as well as more experienced HPC users. Basic experience with working in a terminal environment is recommended, but no expertise is needed.

Further details will follow in coming newsletters and on, but if you want to reserve a seat on this workshop please send your full name, affiliation and email address to, and specify that you want to register for the PDC-PRACE workshop.