Postdoctoral position in “Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Wall-Bounded Flows” at the Linné FLOW Centre at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
(Diarienumer S-2011-0210)
KTH (www.kth.se) is the largest technical university in Sweden. Education and research cover a broad spectrum within natural sciences and engineering, as well as architecture, industrial engineering and management, urban planning, work science and environmental engineering. There are circa 12,000 full-year undergraduate students, 1,400 postgraduate students and 3,100 employees.
The Linné FLOW Centre (www.flow.kth.se) organizes research in fundamental fluid mechanics at KTH and is one of twenty original centers of excellence set up by the Swedish Research Council (VR). The centre was established with a vision as an outstanding environment for fundamental research in fluid mechanics, where innovative research is born and future research leaders are fostered. It has become one of the internationally-leading research groups in fluid mechanics.
The “Turbulence Research Area” within the Linné FLOW Centre invites applications for a postdoctoral position in numerical simulations of turbulent wall-bounded flows. In the last two decades this group has built up a strong reputation in large-scale numerical simulations of turbulent flows, including turbulent heat transfer and particle transport. In recent years, we have expanded our activities to direct and large-eddy simulations of turbulent boundary layers in a spatially developing framework. Such simulations naturally rely on HPC resources; we have been able to perform DNS using up to 10 billion grid points last year. Also, we have closely collaborated with an experimental group at KTH Mechanics comparing our numerical data in detail to wind-tunnel measurements, giving very interesting insights into the turbulence characteristics.
The objective of the postdoctoral project is to perform large-scale direct numerical simulations of turbulent wall-bounded flows in predominantly generic geometries (e.g. channel, duct, boundary layer and pipe flows), using massively parallel DNS codes available at KTH Mechanics. Special focus will be on generating new simulation data, possible code development/optimization/extension, and the innovative postprocessing and visualisation of turbulent data sets, depending on interest and expertise.
The successful candidate will also join an interdisciplinary group of researchers organized in the Swedish e-Science Research Centre (SeRC, www.e-science.se), in which fluid-dynamics related research activities are coordinated in a dedicated FLOW community.
The postdoctoral project should start in the second half of 2011 and is for a maximum of two years.
Applicants should have a PhD degree or soon receive one in a relevant scientific field. We are in particularly looking for candidates with a strong background in direct or large-eddy simulations of turbulent flows with experience/interest in large scale numerical simulations and data processing. Experience in MPI programming and running on parallel computers is advantageous.
Application (deadline April 10, 2011)
Candidates are invited to send in applications containing a cover letter where they describe themselves, their qualifications and interests. The application should also contain a curriculum vita, publication list and names and addresses of references. Mark you application with “Diarienummer S-2011-0210”.
Send applications via email to: Carolina Eneqvist, Phone +46 8 790 71 11, carolina@mech.kth.se
Queries concerning the position can be directed to:
Dr. Philipp Schlatter, Phone: +46 8 790 71 76, e-mail: pschlatt@mech.kth.se
Professor Dan Henningson, e-mail: henning@mech.kth.se
Link to announcement on KTH Webpage.
Link to announcement in pdf format.
Postdoctoral position in turbulent combustion at the Linné FLOW Centre at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden (Diarienumer S-2011-0209)
KTH is the largest technical university in Sweden. Education and research cover a broad spectrum within natural sciences and engineering, as well as architecture, industrial engineering and management, urban planning, work science and environmental engineering. There are circa 12,000 full-year undergraduate students, 1,400 postgraduate students and 3,100 employees.
The Linné Flow Centre (www.flow.kth.se) organizes research in fundamental fluid mechanics at KTH and is one of twenty original centers of excellence set up by the Swedish Research Council (VR). The centre was established with a vision as an outstanding environment for fundamental research in fluid mechanics, where innovative research is born and future research leaders are fostered. It has become one of the internationally-leading research groups in fluid mechanics.
The Turbulence group within the Linné Flow Centre invites applications for a postdoctoral position in numerical simulations of turbulent combustion. In the last two decades this group has built up a strong reputation in large-scale direct numerical simulations and large-eddy simulations of turbulent flows, including turbulent heat transfer and particle transport. In recent years, we have expanded our activities to direct numerical simulations of turbulent combustion near walls. This project is in collaboration with the Centre for Combustion Science and Technology, CECOST, which coordinates combustion research and aims to integrate simulation, modelling and experimental activities in Sweden. The objective of the postdoctoral project is to either perform large-scale direct numerical simulations of turbulent combustion near walls or to further develop our new sub-grid scale models for large-eddy simulations of turbulent combustion.
The postdoctoral project should start in the second half of 2011 and is for a maximum of two years.
Applicants should have a PhD degree or soon receive one in a relevant field. We are in particularly looking for candidates with a strong background in direct or large-eddy simulations of turbulent combustion and possibly turbulent combustion modelling.
Application (deadline April 10, 2011)
Employer’s reference number: S-2011-0209
Candidates are invited to send in applications containing a letter where they describe themselves, their qualifications and interests. The application should also contain a curriculum vita, publication list and names and addresses of references.
Send applications via email to:
Carolina Eneqvist (carolina@mech.kth.se)
Please write the reference number in the email subject.
Queries concerning the position can be directed to:
Dr Geert Brethouwer
Phone: +46 8 790 7149
E-mail: geert@mech.kth.se
Professor Arne Johansson
E-mail: johansson@mech.kth.se
Link to announcement on KTH Webpage.
Link to announcement in pdf format.